Main / Tattoo / (De) Organic


Organic tattoo is a creative type of tattoo closely related to biomechanics but instead of mechanical elements it contains abstract elements close to nature, animals and various drawings. This type of tattoo began its development in the last quarter of the twentieth century, immediately after the style of biomechanics. This style is unique because it sets no limit to the artist's imagination and is characterized by a bright palette of colors. It is from the union between organic and natural design that one can see real art in tattooing. Organics tattoos are often put directly on the skin, without drawing a sketch on paper. This requires from the tattoo artist to have a good knowledge of the anatomy of the body and the transmission of light. This method is called freehand. Some interesting facts A well-known artist in this style, Guy Atchison, first creates a sculpture and, based on combinations of light and components, draws inspiration for his work on the body. This is why he is one of the greatest masters of the tattoo metier. Also, along with him, the trendsetters of the art are Roman Abrego and Nick Baxter.