Main / Tattoo / Oriental


Quite a popular expression of one's inner world is to perform a tattoo on one's body. This craft was practiced by our ancestors and it remains relevant in the modern world. Compositions of beautifully chosen tattoos can often be seen on the bodies of people of all ages and social background. Tattoo masters all over the world try to improve themselves in this business coming up with new implementing styles. But there is no getting away without classics. One of the famous styles today is the Oriental tattoo style. It is easy enough to recognize but no less difficult to perform masterfully. The Oriental theme is a mysterious oriental culture. It is a wide variety of famous oriental dragons and koi fish, geishas and famous warriors. It is impossible not to use the beauty of oriental flora and organic fauna in this style. The Oriental tattoo style is also famous for its geometric patterns with symmetrical repetitions. Such patterns can be composed of various incompatible objects resulting in a unique and beautiful tattoo. Choosing a tattoo in the Oriental style, you need to get acquainted with the world of the Orient in order to understand the meaning of your tattoo.